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Reliability and Compliance

On October 1st, 2013 the responsibility to adopt and enforce electric Reliability Standards in New Brunswick was transferred from the New Brunswick System Operator to the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board.

The Board carries out its mandate for Reliability under the authority of the Electricity Act and through the implementation of the New Brunswick Reliability Standards Regulation. Because of the interconnected nature of the Bulk Power System, the Board’s reliability programs are closely coordinated with those of the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and the Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC).

Reliability Standards

The Board may adopt FERC approved NERC reliability standards that have been filed by NB Power, with or without New Brunswick amendments. The Board posts proposed reliability standards on its website for a 60 day review period prior to adoption. If the proposed reliability standard contains substantive revisions to the FERC approved version, or if there are substantive comments received during the review period, the Board may hold a hearing and may determine to approve, not approve or remand the proposed reliability standard back to NB Power. A list of New Brunswick Approved Reliability Standards and their effective dates is posted here.

Compliance Registry

The Board establishes and maintains a NB Compliance Registry that identifies those owners, operators and users of the New Brunswick bulk power system that must comply with adopted reliability standards.  Criteria used to determine a registration in New Brunswick is generally based on NERC registration criteria. An entity that has been notified of its requirement to register may appeal to the Board for further consideration. 

Compliance Monitoring

The Board implements a compliance monitoring program to assess registered entity compliance with adopted standards. Monitoring methods include entity self-certification, self-reporting, data submittals, audits, investigations, spot checks and complaints. The Compliance Monitoring and Reporting System (CMRS) is used to facilitate electronic reporting by entities.

A New Brunswick Annual Implementation Plan for compliance monitoring is developed and posted by the Board each year prior to January 1 of the reporting year.  The New Brunswick Annual Implementation Plan identifies the reliability standards that will be monitored, the monitoring method to be used, and entity audit and reporting schedules.

As provided for in the Electricity Act, the Board engages NPCC as a recognized compliance body to assist with the implementation of the compliance monitoring program in New Brunswick.


The Board initiates enforcement action if there is reason to believe that a violation of a reliability standard has occurred. Board enforcement requires that the entity take action to remove the risk the violation poses to the reliability of the bulk power system and to implement a plan that will prevent a future occurrence of the violation. Registered entities are subject to financial penalties and sanctions for violations of adopted reliability standards.

Contact Us

For more information relating to the Board's Reliability, Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement program, please contact us.