What We Do
The New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board regulates aspects of electricity and natural gas utilities as well as motor carriers, to ensure that customers receive safe and reliable service at just and reasonable rates. In addition, the Board sets weekly retail prices for petroleum products sold within the province.
The Board’s regulatory functions are carried out through both written and oral proceedings, and representative groups are encouraged to participate in the process. Participation helps to ensure that the Board is informed of the issues, and that decisions are made in the public interest.
Board hearings, which resemble court proceedings, are conducted by a panel of three or more Board members. The panel hears evidence about the need for a rate increase or a change in service. Unlike courts, much of the evidence is filed prior to the actual hearing. The Board members then deliberate and issue a written decision.
The Board must balance the needs of consumers for fair rates with a utility’s right to have a reasonable opportunity to earn a fair return on its investment.
Who Pays For Regulation?
The Energy and Utilities Board does not receive funding from government. Its costs are paid for by the industries that they regulate - including electricity, natural gas and petroleum.