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Current Max
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Current Max
ultra-low sulphur diesel
Self-serve is


Current Max



What We Regulate

In each area, the New Brunswick Energy and Utilities Board has slightly different jurisdiction.

Under the Electricity Act, the Board regulates the rates charged by NB Power, the provincially-owned electric utility. After April 2015, if NB Power wants to increase the rates it charges, it must seek approval of the Board. Capital projects of more than $50 million dollars must also be approved by the Board.

The Board also ensures that the operators and users of the transmission system follow the rules to ensure the reliability of the bulk electricity system. There are hundreds of North America-wide standards that are monitored annually by Board staff.

With respect to the natural gas industry, the Board regulates the distribution rates and customer service policies of Liberty Utilities (Gas New Brunswick) LP (Liberty Utilities).

The Board regulates only the price that Liberty Utilities charges for delivering the gas to your door. The Board monitors, but doesn’t regulate, the price of the natural gas itself.

Each Thursday morning, the Board sets the maximum price that gasoline and heating fuel can be sold for in the province. This is done based on a formula established by legislation. Unlike other areas of Board regulation, there is no discretion involved.

The price is set based on a strict average from the previous seven days of trading at the New York commodities market where gasoline is traded daily. More detailed information about the formula is available on our website at http://nbeub.ca/petroleum

The Board reviews and oversees the construction of intra provincial pipelines that carry hazardous material (extra provincial pipelines are regulated by the National Energy Board). The vast majority of the pipelines regulated by the Board carry natural gas, although our jurisdiction also extends to pipelines that carry other hazardous substances such as oil, gasoline and brine,

The Board also approves the rates and schedules for scheduled intercity bus service. Any motor carrier company that wants to run a bus service between communities within New Brunswick must first get approval from the Board. All rate increase and services changes must also be reviewed by the Board. Charter buses are also licensed by the Board.